About 1body fitness

about me

I was born and raised in a small town in Alaska and have always had a passion for fitness. I lived an active lifestyle growing up, playing sports and enjoying activities in Alaska’s great outdoors. I moved to Fort Collins, Colorado in 2014 to study Health and Exercise Science at Colorado State University. I started a lifting club and a powerlifting club during my time at CSU. I was able to help hundreds of students with their health goals and teach them proper techniques for exercises. I have been able help people gain confidence in the gym and in themselves since. 

In 2016, I started to compete in powerlifting and embraced the strength athlete I had always been. During my first powerlifting meet for NASA federation, I was able to break a combination of 13 state and national records! I had multiple coaches help me level up to a more competitive federation and was able to break four state USAPL records and place top five in the nation twice. My coaches and community through this time were a pivotal part of my fitness journey and what made me the trainer I am today. 

The last four years as a certified personal trainer, I have coached over a thousand training sessions. I have helped clients as young as 14 years old to 75 years old at various fitness levels achieve their goals. I specialize in strength and conditioning, weight management, sport performance, and mobility. I believe that a fitness coach can be an investment in your health that can last a lifetime. Your body is your most priceless possession. We all have one body and opportunity to be our best and healthiest self. Are you ready to move towards a lifetime of good health?